5 Ways to Help Reduce Window Condensation 

Looking at a window with some drops of water can feel a bit cinematic. However, when the condensation becomes too consistent, in a season that isn’t particularly warm, you should be worried. Window condensation can be as a result of rain, some form of humidity or simply the heat in the kitchen, but it can be managed in any case. 

The condensation from your window is mostly harmless but it can be a lot of work to wipe them for clear sight. In order to reduce your home window condensation, and avoid damages to the window frame and walls, you can do these five things.

  1. Routine checks 

You can look round your house, routinely, to take note of the windows that experience higher condensation, compared to others and note the changes you can make to reduce the levels of condensation. You may notice how heat affects one window, and how placement affects another, the problems are not similar, but they help you understand how to reduce the condensation.

  1. Wipe down surfaces 

Cold surfaces are one of the top reasons for condensation on your windows. Wipe down your kitchen counter when you are done with all activities, and be sure to use a dry towel to absorb any moisture that may become condensed to your window glass screens. Wiping down will reduce the condensation that appears on your windows.

  1. Close kitchen doors 

Condensed air in a heated room can create more window condensation than you would assume, the safest way to avoid this situation is to close kitchen doors. It is not limited to only times when you are cooking; the kitchen door should be locked as often as you remember to. It will help you reduce the condensation on your windows and avoid wet walls. 

  1. Install double-glazing windows 

Having the right type of windows plays an underestimated part in reducing the condensation in your home. Perhaps it is time to replace the old ones, and install double-glazing windows which have the insulating feature of keeping air contained and at such, reduce condensation. 

  1. Increase insulation 

The most vital step to reduce window condensation is to increase the insulation in your home, when the air is heated, it gets out faster. Put on heaters in rooms where there is a lot of activity and be sure that room temperature is maintained because too much insulation can also be a problem. You can also consult a windows and doors company to give you pro-tips on how to reduce condensation on windows.

Improve the conditions of your home windows by doing these things. Reduce window condensation, and enjoy a better living experience.