Best Ways to Make a Pond Look Amazing

When you’re planning for a garden water feature, a pond is a popular choice for many reasons. A pond that’s aesthetically pleasing, relaxing, and looks magical helps to transform your garden and create a focal point to be proud of. It can take a lot of time and effort to make your pond look amazing nevertheless, and if you don’t take the right steps in building your pond, you can run the risk of having an underwhelming water feature that wasn’t what you had in mind. 

To make sure you get it right from the very start, here are the best ways to make your garden pond look amazing. 

  • Choose Vibrant Fish

To bring out color and excitement within your pond, the fish you choose will make all the difference. Koi carp are a popular choice for garden ponds because they’re so striking in color and shape, but there are many varieties of pond fish that will help to add color to your water feature. This can include the common goldfish for a flash of bright color or Red Shiners for a shimmery coat that will look great in the water. 

  • Pick an Interesting Shape

When planning for your pond and where to dig, you might want to make your pond more exciting by choosing a different shape. If you want to avoid classic shapes like circles or rectangles, get more creative with the bordering to make something more striking in design. 

  • Use the Right Water Filter 

If your pond water isn’t clear and clean, then it won’t matter what else you do to your pond: it will look underwhelming, dirty, and uncared for. The right water filter, like the Oase filter, is paramount to caring for your pond and having the water look clean and dazzling, avoiding debris and algae build-up. 

  • Add an Extra Water Feature or Two 

Although your pond is an attractive water feature in itself, there’s no reason you can’t add extra aquatic elements to bring it to life. You could install a waterfall at one end of your pond to add something new to look at, as well as inspiring a more relaxing sound of water. Or, you could add an eye-catching fountain to the center of your pond as a focal piece or a magical finishing touch. 

  • Don’t Neglect Your Pond’s Bordering

The pond itself should always look good, but how you choose to dress the bordering of your pond will make all the difference. You may choose to border your point with patterned tiling, stonework, or high-quality decking. You may want a colorful flower border around your pond, or maybe even an intricate stone pathway leading up to your pond area. 

This will all make your pond a more exciting place to be and relax beside. 

In Summary: Making Your Garden Pond Look Amazing

When your pond is best cared for with the right equipment and updates, it will always look the best it can be. Having your pond look amazing starts with essential maintenance like pond filters, which you can then build upon with aesthetic improvements.