Common Benefits of Investing In A Tankless Water Heater Installation! 

If your home needs a new water heater, then you’re likely going to be considering a tankless water heater installation that’ll meet your household’s needs. More families all across the United States are making the switch from conventional tank water heaters to tankless water heaters, and there are many different reasons why this is the case. 

Below we’ll be detailing some of the common benefits associated with investing in a tankless water heater installation, and how these cutting-edge plumbing devices can have a profound impact on your home life! 

Common Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater Installation 

Although there are many different benefits oriented around tankless water heaters, below are some of the most common ones that you should know about: 

Tankless Water Heaters Take Up Less Space Than Conventional Tanks

Most conventional water heaters take up a significant amount of space in a home’s basement or crawlspace, but this is something that people don’t need to worry about with tankless water heaters. 

Most tankless water heaters can even be mounted to a wall, so they literally are as economical as possible when it comes to available square footage within your home. 

Instant Hot Water Helps Meet Safety Regulations At Many Commercial Properties

Because you’ll get instantaneous hot water through a tankless water heater, you may be more capable of abiding by OSHA regulations at your business. There are many different regulations that come into play when it comes to washing eyewash or facewash into municipal drains for commercial purposes, and tankless water heaters are becoming the solution for countless businesses across the nation. 

Tankless water heaters are also a good option for both homes and businesses because you don’t waste any energy via standby water, which goes a long way towards making your property more carbon neutral! 

Tankless Water Heaters Are Much More Sustainable & Efficient 

Like we mentioned above, tankless water heaters are a much more eco-friendly option as compared to traditional water heaters. It’s now been proven that tankless water heaters are over 35% more efficient, which means that owners will reap long-term benefits in terms of energy savings. 

Electric units are more efficient as compared to gas units, but all types of tankless water heaters are generally very efficient. But no matter which type of tankless water heater you’re interested in, you should always leave these installation projects in experienced hands! 

Tankless Water Heaters Provide Customers With Cost-Saving Rebates

Although the initial up-front costs for a tankless water heater may be more as compared to a conventional water heater, these initial costs will balance themselves out as a customer saves on their energy bills month after month. A lot of states and local towns and cities will provide people with tax rebates and credits due to purchasing a tankless water heater, which even more of an incentive to make the switch! 

Tankless Water Heaters Can Help Commercial Properties Earn A LEED Credit

Many commercial property owners and building managers know how important it is to obtain a LEED certification, and one way to earn this type of certification is by investing in a tankless water heater system. 

Contact The Plumbing Specialists at Beehive Plumbing To Learn More About The Benefits of Tankless Water Heater Installations! 

It’s always exciting when you’re considering a tankless water heater installation at your home or business, mainly because these plumbing appliances truly are the future of the industry. 

You can learn more about tankless water heaters by going through the hyperlink at the beginning of this page to the Beehive Plumbing website!