Common Pests You May Find in Your House in the Summers

We are all aware of the heightened pest activity during the summer months. Various kinds of pests come out of their hiding after winter ends and get into our houses. They may cause damage to household items, eat your food, and spread diseases. 

When you spot a bug in your house, you may probably think, “What kind of bug is that?” Knowing what bugs can enter your house during the hot months and what dangers they possess is essential for the wellbeing of your family. If you are struggling to prevent pests from invading your house, call pest control in Schertz, TX today. 

Common house pests in summer months 

  • Bed bugs. 

Bed bugs have existed for more than 3,000 years and continue to create nuisance in human lives. They are nocturnal creatures about the size of an apple seed and are mostly found in mattresses, sheets, and comforters. Other than that, they can be found anywhere near their food source, which is human blood. Getting rid of bed bugs, especially when they are hundreds in number, can be challenging and usually requires expert treatment. 

  • Mosquitoes. 

Mosquitoes stay all year round—however, they peak in numbers during the hot months. Mosquitoes can accelerate their reproduction cycle in warm and humid weather conditions. If you have standing water on your property, you will likely attract mosquitoes as they lay eggs on still water. 

  • Ants. 

Ants start marching into residential houses after long winter hibernation. Ants are constantly searching for food to feed a growing colony and save enough for the fall. If you see ants in your house, they are probably there for food and water. 

  • Spiders. 

Spiders are probably one of the most hated pests. Depending on the weather and environmental conditions of where you live, you may find common house spiders, black widows, brown recluses, Carolina wolf spiders, black & yellow garden spiders, etc. The most dangerous ones are the black widows and brown recluses. Scientists say that the venom of a black widow spider is 15 times more dangerous than a rattlesnake’s. 

  • Fleas.

Although fleas can be found on pets all year round, they become more prevalent in the summer months. Your pets may indicate the presence of fleas by constant scratching and biting, usually after they come home after a walk. 

Summer is the time to enjoy life with your friends and family. Pests can significantly affect the quality of your life, and you may not feel safe in your own house anymore. Instead of trying home remedies and failing, hire professional help today.