Five Telltale Signs You Need A Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure that cleans your tooth decay and preserves your dental health. It can be done by your regular dentist or a special dentist known as an endodontist. A root canal is an effective treatment for preventing bacteria from ruining your teeth more than it already has. According to the AAE, more than 15 million root canals are done in the USA every year. 

A root canal can be a big and expensive step. Whether you need a root canal or not can be best suggested by a professional dentist. However, if you wish to get a root canal treatment in Bismarck, here are some possible signs you should look out for. 

Five signs you need a root canal

  • Persistent pain. 

Regular tooth pain occurs once in a while and goes away on its own or with the help of medications. However, if your tooth pain is persistent and does not go away with OTC medicines, it may need professional treatment. You may feel severe tooth decay pain deep in the bone of your tooth. However, there may be other reasons as well. No matter what it is, you must get your pain checked by a doctor. 

  • Bumps on the gums. 

Bacteria build-up in your mouth can result in a condition called abscesses, which can cause little bumps on your gum. It is mainly caused by plaque, food particles, or tooth decay. These bumps appear like pimples on your gum and could be a sign of a root canal treatment. 

  • Sensitivity to hot and cold. 

One of the most common signs of tooth decay is sudden sensitivity to hot and/or cold foods. If you experience pain or a sharp sensation in your tooth when you drink hot tea or eat ice cream, it might indicate damaged blood vessels or nerves. 

  • Tooth discoloration. 

A severe infection in the pulp of your tooth can cause that particular tooth to appear discolored. The tooth undergoes trauma due to the breaking down of internal tissues or blood vessel damage. This can cause it to become grayish-black in appearance. However, tooth discoloration can have other reasons as well. 

  • Swollen gums. 

Swollen gums are often overlooked, but they could signify a real problem. If your gums feel painful and tender to touch and appear bumped from their surface, there might be inflammation. In some cases, inflamed gums do not get better without a root canal. You may also have the little bumps on your gums, which we discussed in the second point. 

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it might be time to book an appointment with your dentist. While knowing the warning signs are essential, one should leave the medical diagnosis to the experts.