How can I Get More Light in My Dark Room?

The amount of light in a room can go a long way in affecting your mood. Dark rooms are a common occurrence that people have had to try right them. Many people have resulted to doing major renovation as a way to have more light in the room. Fortunately, there are other ways which can be utilized to brighten up a room.

It is believed that well-lit rooms are more inviting as well as helpful to a person’s well-being. Given the number of people looking to right this problem, we compiled a list of how to go about the process. 

  1. Replacement Windows

Windows let in plenty of natural light. So, if you’re looking to add natural light in your dark room, one of the best things you can do is invest in replacement windows

  1. Use Mirror Effect

Using shiny surfaces will help make the room brighter by use of reflections. Employing such things as chandeliers, mirrors, and most other metal objects will help increase the amount of light in a room.

How to Use Mirrors in a Dark Room

  • Placing same-sized mirrors opposite each other helps create an endless set of reflections. 
  • One can place a large mirror in a short hallway which should help to make it feel longer.
  • To fake, a sense of a window, one can place a mirror that is the same size as the window. 
  1. Window Treatments

Both window treatments and heavy curtains interfere with the amount of light in a room. As such, a person is advised to remove the heavy curtains and instead use light ones. In case you are looking for privacy, one should consider using sheers as well as light fabrics. Alternatively, one can opt to use shutter if they don’t like sheer and curtains.

  1. Use Transparent Material

There is no better way to add light into a room than by using transparent materials such as glass on doors. The type of glass used depends on your taste and preferences. For example, people who are cautious about their privacy can opt to use either frosted or tinted glass. In case one would like to increase the light even further, they can choose to use glass tabletops.

  1. Painting the Room

Painting the walls of the dark room can go a long way in increasing the amount of light in a place. Neutral colors such as grey and white give the best result when used in a dark room. One should make sure that the colors painted help in reflecting light and not absorb the same.

In the case painting proves to be inadequate, one can go a step further and use floors with light colors. With the floor covering the most area in a room, such changes can have better results.

  1. Avoid Using Dark Surfaces

Using dark surfaces in a room means that a lot of light is absorbed. As such, it is not advisable to have two dull surfaces in one place as they will significantly interfere with the light. For instance, you should avoid two dull surfaces such as walls and floors. 

A person should consider painting the ceiling with light colors while leaving the beams as natural as possible. Also, one should consider using recessed lighting to add more light and as well as preserve the character of the wood. 

  1. Trimming Trees

Having the light reach the room is the first step towards brightening any dark place. As such, anything that is blocking the light should be cut. Additionally, one should avoid planting any trees or bushes near the windows or doors in the future. 

  1. Provide Balance

A person should try to strike the perfect balance between light and shadow. Overly using light colors or the shadow will mean that the outcome will not be appealing. One should try to light the rooms without going overboard with the painting. Having shadows is recommended as it helps add more depth to the room.