How Clean Should I Leave My House For The New Owners?

Congratulations! You’ve finally closed on your new home. Now, it’s time to say goodbye to the old one. If you’re anything like me and my family, that means cleaning up a bit of mess left behind by the previous owners and getting rid of things we don’t need or want anymore. But I’m also not one for just throwing stuff away—especially when it comes to toys and clothes that could be used by another family or donated. It’s all about finding the right balance between sentimental items and practical realities. So here are some tips for leaving your house in good condition for its new owners:

Clean all rooms thoroughly

 Leave no room untouched! Start with the kitchen and bathroom first and then move on to the bedrooms and other areas of your home. It’s best if you start early so that you don’t have to rush through this process at the last minute.

Pare down the pet paraphernalia

  •         Take out the pet’s bedding.
  •         Remove pet toys and other items to keep them from being thrown away by the new owners.
  •         Clean the litter box, even if you don’t use it anymore, so there isn’t an awkward situation when they see it for the first time.
  •         Clean up any pet hair that may have been left behind on furniture or rugs so you’re not giving off a “dirty” vibe even though your house is otherwise cleaned top-to-bottom.

Don’t forget the contents of the garage

All too often, the contents of garages are a catch-all for things that don’t belong anywhere else. When you’re moving house, it’s easy to forget about your garage and leave it uncleaned. Don’t let things get forgotten! If you’ve got stuff in there that should be thrown away or donated, clean out the whole thing now so it’s ready for when your new owners come along.

Make the house look like a home

You want the house to look like a home. It’s not your job to make it look like you’ve never been there! However, don’t go overboard and leave everything in place. Make sure the beds are made and that there is some semblance of order throughout the house. This might mean putting clothes into drawers or in the laundry basket, stacking magazines neatly on tables, and making sure dirty dishes aren’t left in the sink after breakfast.

Clean up after your kids

With toys and books, it’s important to keep them organized. Create a play area for your kids in one part of the house, and stick to it. Don’t allow your kids to dump their toys out all over the living room floor when they get bored with them. The same goes for books: if you want to keep them in order, store them on shelves or bookcases.

If you are not going out of town as soon as your house will be sold (or given away), consider closing off certain rooms like bedrooms and bathrooms until the new owners move in so that they have somewhere private to sleep at night without worrying about finding half-eaten sandwiches on the kitchen counter or dirty socks under their bed!

Clean the carpets

 The carpets in your home are a breeding ground for dust mites, allergens and bacteria, so it’s important to get them professionally cleaned before your move. This helps keep the new owners healthy and happy in their new home, and will also help them sell quicker if they happen to put it on the market once they own it!

The whole house needs to shine before the buyers come

The best way to ensure a smooth transition is by hiring professionals, such as the Simply Spotless Cleaning company, to help with the cleaning process. Hiring a cleaning service can save you time, energy and money compared with doing it yourself or even hiring an individual cleaner. A professional cleaning company will come in and do all the work for you while they’re inspecting your home — they’ll also have extra supplies on hand if anything goes wrong or if they find something unexpected during their inspection. Plus, they know exactly how long this process will take and can better estimate costs than you ever could because they have experience with many different homes!

Don’t forget the bathrooms

While you may not want prospective buyers poking around in your toilet, they’ll definitely be seeing the bathroom. Make sure it’s squeaky clean with no clutter or debris lying around. Replace any towels or linens that have stains or holes so they look new, and get rid of any scented candles, soap dishes or other items that could leave an odor behind.

Remove all personal items

The first thing sellers should do is remove all personal items from their homes. This means taking down pictures and paintings, along with any other personal items like toothbrushes or children’s toys. It’s also important for sellers to remove any food in the pantry or refrigerator because this can make buyers uncomfortable.

Follow these tips and close your home sale the right way!