How to Choose the Right Type of Roofing Shingles

Roofing shingles come in many different types, designs and materials. Not only do you have to think about the color of your roof, but you also need to select the right material for durability and energy efficiency. Here are some tips that you need to check while selecting the right roofing shingle:

Tip # 1. The Location of Your House

If you are living in an area that has frequent weather conditions such as hurricanes, tornadoes or high winds then you need to choose roofing shingles that can resist these harsh conditions and last longer. If your home is near rivers or seashores, then you need to use a material that prevents mold growth because there will be regular flooding and moisture.

Tip # 2: The Type of Roof

When choosing the best type of roofing shingle for your home, it is very important to consider its durability and warranty. And also check will it support additional inputs like roll down hurricane screens in Fort Myers to determine its durability and quality. We have listed some types of roofs below along with their pros and cons:

Asphalt Shingles – This one of the most common roofing materials used today. They are inexpensive and easy to install. It is highly resistant to sunlight, which can reduce the cost of cooling your home in the summer months. They do not require any other protection or maintenance besides occasional repair when it gets damaged due to high winds during storms.

Slate Shingles – This type of shingles is a little more expensive than asphalt ones but they last longer. They can resist extreme weather conditions and make your home as cool as possible on hot days because of its insulating properties.

Wood Shakes – These are very trendy today and even though they provide an excellent insulation, they aren’t too expensive. The only downside is that may need lots of maintenance, especially paint touch ups.

Clay/Concrete Shingle– This type of shingle is more durable than asphalt ones and it can last for a long time too. However, they are quite heavy so installation may be difficult.

Tip # 3: The Type of Material

When selecting a roofing material, always consider its quality and type (roofing properties) . You should also check if it is 100% recyclable so that you can dispose them properly after use. Some important factors when selecting a right type of roof:

Check for lead content because not all types or brands are compliant with government regulations. If they have more than 30-60 pounds per 1000 square feet then there are high chances that they contain lead. It will be best to avoid purchasing any chemical treated shingle because it may contain harmful elements that can cause cancer or other health problems.

If you want to have a shingle with low maintenance and long lifespan then choose materials like slate, wood shakes and concrete / clay roofing shingles. On the contrary, asphalt roofing shingles are easy to install but they will need lots of repair and replacement after 5-10 years of usage. In fact, many insurance companies don’t cover damages for houses that use these types of roofs because they aren’t pricey as other options.

Tip # 4: The Number of Layers

The next thing that you should always consider when choosing a good quality material is its number of layers (specifications). Nowadays most construction experts recommend using asphalt shingles because they are easy to install and durable. However, these shingles may need lots of repairs after 5-10 years. On the other hand, newer types of high-quality roof materials like clay and concrete aren’t heavy so installation is easier but the material itself will need more maintenance and paint touch ups.

For asphalt roofs you should choose three-layers or above. It will ensure stability during bad weather conditions and longer lifespan. Keep in mind that asphalt roofing shingles are very affordable even though it requires constant repair after some time.

Wood shakes can also last for many years if you pick quality ones with 3 layers or more. They have a better temperature resistance than any other type of roofing shingles. So, be ready to make an expensive investment if you like wood roofing material.

Seal-coated asphalt roofs tend to last for years without many repairs but they aren’t common type of homes in the United States because they are heavier (brittle) structurally. Their main disadvantage is that they need more paint and maintenance touch ups after some time.

Final Words

Keep in mind that all of these tips are only for informational purposes. This is not a direct recommendation on how to choose a perfect roofing shingle. Some of these factors above may or may not fit your home’s environment and structure. So, always consider the square footage of your house when purchasing material especially if you want it to last for long time. You can also contact professional contractors in order to get more information about selecting the right type of roof shingles for your home.