How to Inspect and Replace Fascia on Your Roof

Shingles are not the only thing to be concerned about when inspecting your roof. The roof system includes flashing, flashing, soffits and cladding as well as vents. Fascia protects your roof against moisture. However, years of heavy use can cause damage to your roof or make your home vulnerable. We’ll show you how to determine if your roof’s fascia needs to be replaced or repaired.

What is Roofing Fascia?

The roofing fascia is the vertical edge connecting your roof to trusses, rafters or gutter attachments. It is located beneath the roof’s overhang. Fascia is usually made from a non-corrosive sheet of metal or a wooden board. The horizontal board covers the roof’s rafters. It also holds the rain gutters.

Fascia protects siding and wooden boards from being damaged, as well as the roof from weather damage and leaks by blocking rain, snow and sleet. Fascia is a standard feature in almost all homes built after 1950. However, some older homes do not have this component.

Roof fascia is something you should inspect regularly. Your roof’s integrity and curb appeal could be affected. Facia can be smoothed out to give your roof a more uniform appearance and make it water-tighter.

Roof Fascia Damage

Facia acts as a barrier between the weather elements and your home so it can be damaged all year. Fascia boards also age and weather as your roof changes. Fascia is susceptible to wet and dry decay, as well sun exposure. Pest damage, decay and splits in wood are other possible dangers.

Roof fascia should be inspected regularly to prevent any serious damage. You can cause more damage to your home if you ignore damaged fascia and water leaks.

Also, damaged fascia can increase cooling and heating costs. Facia helps keep your home cool and warm during the summer. Check your fascia if you are seeing spikes in your utility bills.

How to Repair Damaged Fascia

You should immediately address any damage to your fascia. Roof repair can be complicated. These are the steps to take when replacing damaged fascia.

  1. Make sure you have the right tools ready (a saw, screwdrivers epoxy filler, primer, paint, sanding sheets etc.
  2. Take out gutter downspouts in the section you are repairing.
  3. You can either remove the entire fascia board or just the section that you need.
  4. Use a screwdriver to remove the fascia board from your roof.
  5. Remove mold, mildew and rot from splintered wood
  6. Epoxy wood filler can be used to seal the wood. If it isn’t salvageable, you may have to replace the entire section.
  7. Let the epoxy dry before priming and painting your fascia
  8. Attach the fascia to your roof using appropriate screws
  9. Reattach guttering

Repairing damaged fascia can be a time-consuming task. You could end up damaging your roof if you don’t have the right tools or experience.

Fascia Repair can be done by DIY or should you hire a professional roofer?

It can be tempting to DIY roof fascia boards that are in need of replacement. These are important factors to consider first.

A DIY Fascia Replacement could be:

  • While it may save you money in the short-term, inexperienced workers can lead to higher costs long-term.
  • This can lead to high costs for tools that you don’t need and probably won’t use again.
  • Lack of experience can increase your chances of injury
  • Insufficient training can lead to a decrease in the quality of repairs

Hiring a roofing contractor is the opposite:

  • They will have their own tools
  • You’re putting your trust in a licensed professional with a lot of experience and a trusted procedure
  • There will be fewer errors
  • Repairs will last more than if done by you
  • You might not be aware of other problems they may be able detect
  • It will take less time to do the job.

It might be a good idea to hire a professional if you are looking to replace your roof fascia. You can rest assured that your job will be done correctly by an experienced roofing company.

Old Time Roofing can help you with your roof repair

Old Time Roofing is happy to assist you with any roofing repair or replacement. Contact us if you have any questions about your roof, whether it is leaking, damaged fascia or other issues. Old Time Roofing will ensure that your home is safe and secure for many years to come.

This post was written by Ted Williams! Ted is the owner of A Old Time Roofing which offers the best roofers in Clearwater FL! Ted is a Master Elite Weather Stopper GAF Roofing Contractor, a double award winner of Best Steep-Slope Contractor from GAF and achiever of Master Elite Consumer Protection Excellence from GAF. He has been serving the Pinellas County area since 1978. Old Time Roofing has a tradition of quality workmanship, servicing residential and commercial properties.