What is utility budget billing?

A utility budget billing plan is a useful tool that can help some residents better plan for their utility finances each month. Here, your utility company will look over your household’s energy usage patterns over a given period (if you are new to the building, they will look at the previous tenant’s patterns).

They will then use that information and combine it with the region’s known weather patterns to project your household’s future energy costs and create an average monthly payment.

In other words, you will get a flat monthly rate to pay over the course of the billing cycle (typically a year).

This can be a big boon for residents who dread the high energy costs associated with winter and summer as it gives a flat-rate amount that does not fluctuate over the seasons.

However, note that it is just as important to watch your utility usage with a utility budget billing plan in place as it is without. This is because any extra energy you use over the projected amount during the billing period will be billed to you in one lump sum at the end.

If you use less energy than projected, then you can expect either a refund or the amount reduced from your next bill.

If you are new to the area and are not sure what to anticipate regarding utility costs , then you can always use our public utility records search in SC.

This database can help better inform you of what rates you can expect to pay.

If you feel that your utility company is being unfair, contact us as part of our mission is to ensure all services adhere to legal requirements and adhere to fair and reasonable rates for utility services under the Commission’s jurisdiction.