Where is Most Heat Loss in House?

Enhancing the energy efficiency of any home starts from knowing where most heat is lost in a home. The gospel truth is that every house leaks a small amount of heat. But some houses leak most of the heat in them. It is crucial to say that heat loss in any home will increase energy consumption with a significant rise in the energy bills. 

Here are some parts of the house where most heat is lost. 

  1. The Walls 

There is where about 35% of heat is lost in a home. And unfortunately, this results from cracks and crevices on the wall, as well as poor insulation. It also includes poorly attached vents and holes in the interior and exterior walls. 

  1. The Windows 

This is another place where a significant amount of heat loss takes place in a house. Factors responsible for heat loss through the windows included poor quality of window components, broken seals, and damages to the windows.

Consider window replacement, conventional draperies, thick curtains, and other window treatments to reduce heat loss through the windows. 

  1. The Roof

Another source where most heat is lost in a house is the roof. Typically, heat rises, which gives the impression that the warmth within the home escapes through the roof. However, the roof loses heat through holes or leaks. 

The roof also loses most heat because of inadequate insulation. To fix this problem, the cracks and holes in the attic must be blocked, and insulation added to guarantee the energy efficiency of your home. 

  1. Floor

If you are still worried about where heat loss takes place in your home, the floor is another source. Expect the floor of the house is insulated; it will be cold regardless of the level of heating the house is subjected to. Standing on a cold floor makes one feel awkward. The warm air in the house will become neutralized by the cold floor as it touches it. You can stop heat loss through the floor by insulating the floor or installing underfloor heating. 

  1. Switches and Outlets

You can discover heat loss through these spots in the winter through drafts coming from them. Some outlets may have holes that let heat escape. Some switches may also have minor cracks that serve as an outlet for heat to escape. Look for such switches and seal the cracks and buy foam gaskets (insulating covers) and plug them into outlets in the kitchen and all other locations at home.