Attic Insulation-saving you money and improving home comfort

You might be surprised to hear that the attic is one of the sections of the home that can offer significant energy savings. Sufficient attic insulation and ventilation play an important part in controlling the temperature and the overall comfort level in your home throughout the year.

How attic insulation works

If air is getting out through the attic, your HVAC system has to work for longer to heat and cool the home, this demands more energy. If you install additional or high quality attic insulation, this will help to keep the air confined to the home and stop the heating or the cooling system from working longer or more often. This saves energy and brings down your utility bills drastically. The cost savings will fluctuate; there are a number of factors like owner habit, whether you have a smart thermostat and also the type of heating/cooling system that you possess. As a general rule of thumb expect to save at least 20% on your heating/cooling bills with new attic insulation. No matter where in USA you stay, you will benefit from proper attic insulation.

Types of attic insulation

Insulation is rated in terms of thermal resistance and this is known as the R-value. As a general guide the higher the R-value the higher is its insulating power. Homes in the cold climes will benefit from R-49 in the attic and warmer climates will require an R-38 insulation.

Here are three main types of attic insulation available;

  • Roll on insulation is the least expensive type of attic insulation, being relatively simple and easy for professionals to install. It is flexible, allowing for it to fit tightly between rafters and studs. The tight fit keeps the air trapped in the home.
  • Blown in insulation is a much more efficient solution. The loose fill allows the insulation to fill smaller crevices from where air could possibly leak out. This type of insulation is also moisture resistant, preventing mold and odor from developing.
  • Spray foam insulation is the most efficient in terms of energy efficiency. This is because it expands and tightly fills all holes from which air could possibly leak out. Creating an air tight seal, this insulation works longer than other types of attic insulation.

All these types of attic insulation are worth it and you should make a choice taking everything else into account. If you require any help with AC repair look no further than KAC Express. Search for air conditioning repair, air conditioners repair, air conditioning service Spring Tx, and air conditioning Spring Tx for our services.