Oftentimes, the updates that we make on our homes are done out of necessity. Either an appliance is getting too old, the layout is out of date or the ceiling fans no longer work as well as they used to. When it comes to serious investments that can have a big impact on the home, new windows are a big update that usually come with a lot of reward. If you’re thinking about upgrading the windows in your home but you’re not sure if it’s the best idea, the following are some of the top reasons homeowners undergo this kind of large project.

Lower Costs

If you’re noticing that your utility bill is starting to increase, the efficiency of your windows might be partly to blame. Windows that aren’t performing properly are notorious for letting in outside air and moisture, making your heat and AC work twice as hard.

Many homeowners replace their windows to help increase the efficiency in their home, which often has a direct result on the numbers they see on their energy bills each month.

Increased Home Value

Many homeowners start to make big upgrades to their homes when they’re planning to sell, in order to attract more buyers and up their home’s value. Updating old windows is definitely one of those beneficial projects; it can attract buyers who appreciate home care and who don’t want to have to worry about completing this kind of project in the future.

Avoiding Foggy Windows

Many older, double-paned windows have an airtight seal, which allows for them to maintain their clarity and functionality. Unfortunately, this seal can break down over time, causing the window to become prone to leaking moisture. As a result, the inner space becomes foggy and hard to see through; the fog cannot be cleaned, which means you’re stuck with an obscured view.

Many homeowners who have older homes experience this kind of problem, and newer windows are often the only solution.

Easy Maintenance

Older windows are often made of materials that are hard to take care of, such as wood. With wood frames, it is common that homeowners will have to sand them and re-paint them as often as every year because the peeling has gotten so bad.

Newer window options are made with more durable materials, that stand the test of time and don’t break down from rot, mold, water and termites. Many homeowners opt to invest in new windows instead of paying to have their old ones constantly updated.

Aesthetic Purposes

Older windows can make a home look drab, and many homeowners opt to invest in newer models to give their home a well-deserved face lift. There are all kinds of modern designs and styles available now for windows, and homeowners have much more range when it comes to choosing a window frame that suits their preferences best.

Older homes are prone to have cracked, broken windows that make the house look more run-down than it really is. For both interior looks and exterior curb appeal, investing in new discounted windows is always worth the initial costs.

Ease of Use

Aged windows are often made of materials that are susceptible to fading, cracking and warping. When this occurs, it can be extremely difficult to maneuver the windows open and closed. Not only does this prevent homeowners from locking their windows safely, it can also prevent proper energy efficiency and proper temperature control.

One of the top reasons homeowners replace their windows, is to ensure that they’re easy to use and safe for everyone in the home.

Environmental Reasons

Newer window models are naturally better for the environment; they are built to keep heat in during the summer, and keep warmth in during the winter. As a result, replacing windows is often a sought-after project for homeowners who want their home to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

With better temperature control indoors, homeowners are not forced to use their heating and cooling options as much, and their overall carbon footprint is reduced.

UV Protection

Homes that are exposed to a lot of natural light often deal with indoor fading due to UV rays. This is especially true in homes that have western or southern exposures, where the sun can actually affect the coloring of hardwood, paintings, paint colors and more.

As a result, UV protection is a common reason for window replacement, since newer models are made with a special coating that blocks these rays from getting inside.