Health Risks That Could Be Lurking in Your Home

Your home should be a place of relaxation and sanctuary from the outside world. It’s therefore important to mitigate any health risks in your home to the best of your abilities. However, health risks in the home aren’t always obvious or even identifiable by eye alone. For instance, duct cleaning in Melbourne has turned up a surprising number of health risks that often go unseen. This article will go over some commonly overlooked health risks that could be lurking in your home. 


If you’re finding that you’re suddenly taking more sick days than usual, or if you just have a general feeling of unwellness when in certain rooms of your home, this could be an indication that there is mould present somewhere in your home. Visible mould will usually appear on carpets or anywhere food is stored in the house, however, if you’re having trouble locating the source of mould, it may be time to contact a duct cleaning provider. This is because over time, ducts can build up excessive amounts of moisture, and if this isn’t released or drained in a timely manner, the moisture build-up can cause mould. This mould is then circulated throughout the air in the home and breathed in by all occupants. Fortunately, duct cleaning in Melbourne is an affordable and effective method for eliminating this health risk. 


While dust may seem relatively harmless compared to most other particles, excessive dust in the home is known to exacerbate certain conditions. This is especially true for those who suffer from mild respiratory illnesses such as asthma. If you’re an asthma sufferer and you’re finding it increasingly harder to breathe in your home, arranging duct cleaning in Melbourne is recommended. This is because the discomfort could be caused by an excessive build-up of particles such as dust mites, pet hair and dead skin in your ducted system, which is then being pushed out into your home. These contaminants are known to increase discomfort in asthma sufferers and even trigger asthmatic episodes. 


Itchy eyes and skin may be normal for you depending on the season, but if you’re finding that your allergies are flaring up more consistently throughout the year, this could be due to certain allergens that are trapped in your duct system. Duct cleaning in Melbourne can therefore be useful for those who suffer from seasonal allergies. Having the ducts in your home regularly cleaned and maintained is the best way to mitigate flare-ups and improve overall indoor air quality.


Excessive moisture is another insidious and often overlooked health risk in the home. During wet seasons, an increase in dampness and moisture in the home should be expected. However, if these conditions persist, particularly into the dryer months, this could lead to excessive moisture build-up somewhere in the home. More often than not, the source of this moisture accumulation will be traced back to the duct system of the home. Excessive moisture being circulated throughout the air is known to cause or exacerbate a number of health issues, most commonly skin issues such as eczema, rashes and hives. Duct cleaning in Melbourne can easily remove excessive moisture from the duct system and provide everyone in the home with instant relief.