Why Is My Air Conditioning Unit Not Working?

Your air conditioner may sometimes stop cooling your living area suddenly. Often this may be a cause of alarm, or it could be just a simple issue like a faltered circuit breaker or a blown a fuse. The problem with your air conditioning unit may require professional help, or it could be something that you can quickly fix on your own. You can “Hire The Hippo” at Ideal Services to provide Air Conditioning repair & services for the most complex problems.

There is, however, a distinction between your air conditioner in Las Vegas not working and not cooling, so it is good to understand which is which and deal with it appropriately. When you are assured that your air conditioning unit is not working, getting an HVAC Contractor to help you repair it is essential. This article explores some of the ways why your AC unit may not be working and how to deal with them. At Ideal Services we provide good working Air Conditioning Units in Las Vegas.

A Burnt Condenser Fan Motor

The fan motor is an essential, less complex part of the unit, which must be in a good state for the AC unit to perform its role thoroughly. The fan is the most working part of the air conditioner, which makes it subject to damage and makes the fan motor burn out. A fan that runs irregularly, with fans that turn slowly, or a fan that doesn’t turn at all can be a signal that your motor is not okay and requires some attention.

You need to call a technician when such problems are encountered. Regular maintenance will protect your AC Unit and prevent the fan motor from burning. You should also check out for dirt and dust in your system and keep it clean always.

A Failing Capacitor

Capacitors are start and run devices that direct energy to the fan motor and influence the operation of the Air Conditioning unit when necessary. The capacitors are small but very important in keeping your system up and correctly working to prevent it from coming to an abrupt stop. When the capacitor is not working, you may hear some sound coming from the AC unit when it has not yet been started is a sign that your capacitor needs repair. At Ideal Services we guarantee the best from Las Vegas Air Conditioning Repair to keep your capacitor in check. Some signs prove that your capacitor includes short cycling in your system, regular shutting down, or delays in starting. This is one of the issues you cannot fix on your own, so you need to get the help of a technician.

A Failing Condensate Pump

The condensate pumps usually have lower lifespans in the unit. Condensate pumps work in cooling and heating depending on their set function. You can quickly test their functionality through a test button attached to them. You can put water in a container and then press the test button to check if the water is pumped. When the condensate pump fails, it destroys the furnace, which makes it falter, and water is spilled in the area around the furnace, like the basement or, worse, the attic. You can have your condensate pump fixed at Ideal services or the Las Vegas Air Conditioning repair and restore your AC Unit to normalcy. An excellent working Condensate pump translates to a proper functioning Unit.

An air conditioner is an essential facility required in your Las Vegas homes, especially during the summer period. It could be a great worry when you notice that your system is not working appropriately. You can check if the issues are similar to those discussed above and get appropriate help immediately to restore your air conditioning system so it can perform its duty effectively.

If you need AC repair in Las Vegas remember to “Hire The Hippo” and call Ideal Services today.  We service Las Vegas 24/7 for all air conditioning repairs.

Ideal Services
648 Joey Lane
Henderson NV 89011
(702) 396-5225